Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why am I

Why am I not satisfied. Why am I not happy. Who am I supposed to be. Will I wait forever. Will I change. Will it be an end for this kinda misery. An I going to fight forever. Would the world be mine. Will I own what I deserve. Well I'm sick and tired. And still asking for more. Never been thanking for what I have. I feel just annoyed for not owning what I don't. I see the questions in people's eyes. Wondering what I would be. Who am I. And what am I doing for life. Are you the one for me. Am I the one for you. I see people are waking around. I see them yelling and yawning. I need more than ever when you're around. I need someone's else when you're not around. I'm not bigger than anyone. I just feel so. And that's not true. Why am I falling so easy. Losing what's behind. This is what god gave me and I really deserve. You're the one.

Sent from my iPhone

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